of Florida

The Women's Foundation of Florida educates and empowers women and girls to be STEAM leaders so they can change the world. To help empower these girls and women my team used our skills to redesign their existing landing page and donation task flow to make sure their platform was clear and impactful for their invaluable cause.

Project Overview
This case study captures a team collaboration in redesigning a charitable website: The Women's Foundation of Florida. The redesign includes the landing page and most in need task flow: the donation. This project was a 1 week sprint where we battled time and limited resources thanks to a special guest blessing our team, covid.
  1. Quick Summary of the Problem Space
  2. Initial Prototype
  3. User Testing
  4. Revised Prototype
  5. Reflecting On What I Learned
Team Sprint - Website Redesign
1 week Sprint
Figma, Photoshop, Canva
Research, UX|UI Designer, User Tester
Design Methodology

Quick Summary

Team Goal
Improve the transparency and overall usability of the donation process so that our donors feel confident and secure donating to the foundation.
The Women's Foundation Current Site Problem:
• No statement on how the donated money is spent
• No control for donors to choose where their money goes

Donors do not feel that their financial donations will...

• Make an impact
• Be used wisely
Why Donate?
Women's foundations are changing the gender inequality in STEAM careers.
( STEAM : Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics )
Employment growth projections in STEAM are 8.8% where non-STEAM projections are only 5%.

Women are only 28% of the STEAM workforce

Women in STEAM are...
• Paid Less
• Promoted Less
• Receive fewer grants
How might we create trust and transparency so that our donors feel more confident and secure in donating to the Women's Foundation of Florida?

Current Experience

The Persona : Andrea
Andrea loves to give back to her community. She has always had an interest in computer science however, she has always felt out of place due to women being the minority in STEAM. Andrea makes the effort to donate to organizations creating a safe and empowering space for young girls looking to pursue STEAM careers.

• Feel confident when donating to important causes
• See her contribution make a difference in communities

Pain Points:
• Worries about what her donations are actually contributing to
• Wants to see the impact of her donations
The Current Donation Experience
New Task Flow


Each team member sketched and pitched their design ideas using our shared Figma file in a slack huddle. Together, we talked about why we like some versus others and voted using stickers to determine the direction we wanted to move in.

This helped our members affected by covid to fit a few sketches in between naps. For the duration of the project we were on a cycling schedule depicted by naps and health levels.
Moving forward with the sketches, I started laying out lo-fi wireframes. Here we tested our task flow and looked for accessibility issues and clarity in the story we were telling for the Women's Foundation. To ensure transparency for our donors, it was important to explain what the foundation does, their goals, and what/where donations make a difference.
Landing Page

• Instill transparency
• Show the problem and solution
• Show impact of WFF
• How the donation process works
About Us Page

• Instill transparency
• Show impact of WFF
Donation Page

• Instill transparency
• Areas of donation assistance
• Goal
Donation Page - Payment Info

• Instill transparency
• Show gratitude
• Process bar
A Few Things We Learned
Using user-testing and peer review, we took notes to incorporate into our Hi-Fidelity Prototype.

• Allow user freedom and provide a back button in the donation process

• Improve clarity and add a description to the goal meter at the lower portion of the screen

• Provide clear CTAs to encourage donation on multiple pages

• A hero on each donation stage page required the donor to scroll each time >:|
Donation Page - Billing Info

• Instill transparency
• Provide user options of payment
• Process bar
Donation Page - Review

• Instill transparency
• Provide user options of payment
• Process bar
Donation Page - Confirmation

• Instill transparency
• Show gratitude
• Process bar
• Share option

Hi-Fi Prototype

After taking user feedback into account and revisiting our team goal of transparency I developed a Hi-Fidelity prototype. My team slowly came back to life and we presented the the new and improved, transparent landing page and donation task flow.


What could I have done better?
I think I could have incorporated more review and opportunity for feedback from peers outside of my team to ensure clarity in our design decisions. Sometimes it is a challenge to set those breaks for critique when you are in a good work flow but they are very helpful and important. When you review early and often to your design accelerates, making those production workflow breaks worth it.
Key Take Aways
When putting a sprint with a covid twist into perspective, I am very proud of the work I managed to produce with my team. I learned patience and I think my team learned the importance of wellness over anything else. We communicated strong boundaries with each other, kept honest when breaks were needed and we remained positive and respectful and created a great new design. It was a great sprint!